
My name is Tali and I started this blog while Googling for Barbies. I saw mummified Barbies and my Mom said that I could make an avatar if I made a blog, so I started one. I am eight years old. I will be nine in December. P.S. You will like the mummified Barbies.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Click on pictures to see them larger.

One day it occurred to me that I wanted to take pictures like a photographer. I took a picture of Brownie, my favorite teddybear and Nicky my other favorite teddybear even though most of them are my favorite. Then I said, "Julian, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" and took out all the teddybears and stuffed animals I could find around the house.

These are just some of them. There are like twenty more. So, my brother, Julian decided that he wanted to climb fake steps. It was around 7:45 pm. I was setting up my teddy bears on chairs and he said "Get off my steps". I said "Julian, I'm using these for teddybear stands" He said "No". I called Mommy. Parental Unit One came. I explained to her "I'm using these chairs for teddybear stands but Julian wants to climb them as fake steps. Could you please take him away for now?" She tried to take him away but no good came of it, he was still determined to climb his steps. I started setting them up as quickly as I could. "JULIAN get away from them, I'm trying to set them up!" I shouted. "NO! Get off my steps!" he cried. Parental Unit One comes again. "Quickly take this picture please" I said. She got the camera and as soon as I knew it all the teddy bears were scattered on the floor - chairs and all. "Oh well" I said "at least I still have other pictures".

The next picture is the result of Julian "tearing down the steps". I guess he didn't want them so much.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hi, my blog name is tali-muffin.

I think that a blog is a really nice idea and really creative. My mom actually made a few friends while blogging. For those of you who still don't know me, I was the one that posted MUFFIN FILMS on Central Snark thanks to SNUPPYwho also gave me the cute muffin picture here.

I hope you will all like my blog. I will try to post again soon.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I was googling for Barbie Images after reading THE PANSI FILES. I wanted to see if I could find any Barbies that were as funny as her. I found these:

I'm still looking for an avatar.